Produce spatial coupled patterns at the designated locations according to the specified tuning parameters or the tuning parameters selected by M-fold cross-validation.

  M = 5,
  K = NULL,
  is_K_selected = ifelse(is.null(K), TRUE, FALSE),
  tau1u = NULL,
  tau2u = NULL,
  tau1v = NULL,
  tau2v = NULL,
  x1New = NULL,
  x2New = NULL,
  center = TRUE,
  maxit = 100,
  thr = 1e-04,
  are_all_tuning_parameters_selected = FALSE,
  num_cores = NULL



Location matrix (\(p \times d\)) corresponding to Y1. Each row is a location. \(d=1,2\) is the dimension of locations.


Location matrix (\(q \times d\)) corresponding to Y2. Each row is a location.


Data matrix (\(n \times p\)) of the first variable stores the values at \(p\) locations with sample size \(n\).


Data matrix (\(n \times q\)) of the second variable stores the values at \(q\) locations with sample size \(n\).


Optional number of folds; default is 5.


Optional user-supplied number of coupled patterns; default is NULL. If K is NULL or is_K_selected is TRUE, K is selected automatically.


If TRUE, K is selected automatically; otherwise, is_K_selected is set to be user-supplied K. Default depends on user-supplied K.


Optional user-supplied numeric vector of a nonnegative smoothness parameter sequence corresponding to Y1. If NULL, 10 tau1u values in a range are used.


Optional user-supplied numeric vector of a nonnegative smoothness parameter sequence corresponding to Y1. If NULL, 10 tau2u values in a range are used.


Optional user-supplied numeric vector of a nonnegative smoothness parameter sequence corresponding to Y2. If NULL, 10 tau1v values in a range are used.


Optional user-supplied numeric vector of a nonnegative smoothness parameter sequence corresponding to Y2. If NULL, 10 tau2v values in a range are used.


New location matrix corresponding to Y1. If NULL, it is x1.


New location matrix corresponding to Y2. If NULL, it is x2.


If TRUE, center the columns of Y. Default is FALSE.


Maximum number of iterations. Default value is 100.


Threshold for convergence. Default value is \(10^{-4}\).


If TRUE, the K-fold CV performs to select 4 tuning parameters simultaneously. Default value is FALSE.


Number of cores used to parallel computing. Default value is NULL (See RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads())


A list of objects including


Estimated patterns for Y1 at the new locations, x1New.


Estimated patterns for Y2 at the new locations, x2New.


Estimated singular values.


Estimated cross-covariance matrix between Y1 and Y2.


Selected tau1u.


Selected tau2u.


Selected tau1v.


Selected tau2v.


cv scores for tau1u and tau1v when are_all_tuning_parameters_selected is FALSE.


cv scores for tau2u and tau2v when are_all_tuning_parameters_selected is FALSE.


cv scores for tau1u, tau2u, tau1v and tau2v when are_all_tuning_parameters_selected is TRUE.


Sequence of tau1u-values used in the process.


Sequence of tau2u-values used in the process.


Sequence of tau1v-values used in the process.


Sequence of tau2v-values used in the process.


The optimization problem is $$\max_{\mathbf{U}, \mathbf{V}} \frac{1}{n}\mbox{tr}(\mathbf{U}'\mathbf{Y}'_1\mathbf{Y}_2\mathbf{V}) - \tau_{1u}\mbox{tr}(\mathbf{U}'\mathbf{\Omega}_1\mathbf{U}) - \tau_{2u}\sum_{k=1}^K\sum_{j=1}^{p} |u_{jk}|- \tau_{1v}\mbox{tr}(\mathbf{V}'\mathbf{\Omega}_2\mathbf{V})-\tau_{2v}\sum_{k=1}^K\sum_{j=1}^{q} |v_{jk}|,$$ \(\mbox{subject to $ \mathbf{U}'\mathbf{U}=\mathbf{V}'\mathbf{V}=\mathbf{I}_K$,}\) where \(\mathbf{Y}_1\) and \(\mathbf{Y}_2\) are two data matrices, \({\mathbf{\Omega}}_1\) and \({\mathbf{\Omega}}_2\) are two smoothness matrix, \(\mathbf{V}=\{v_{jk}\}\), and \(\mathbf{U}=\{u_{jk}\}\).


Wang, W.-T. and Huang, H.-C. (2017). Regularized principal component analysis for spatial data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 14-25.


Wen-Ting Wang and Hsin-Cheng Huang


originalPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# The following examples only use two threads for parallel computing.
## 1D: regular locations
p <- q <- 10
n <- 100
x1 <- matrix(seq(-7, 7, length = p), nrow = p, ncol = 1)
x2 <- matrix(seq(-7, 7, length = q), nrow = q, ncol = 1)
u <- exp(-x1^2) / norm(exp(-x1^2), "F")
v <- exp(-(x2 - 2)^2) / norm(exp(-(x2 - 2)^2), "F")
Sigma <- array(0, c(p + q, p + q))
Sigma[1:p, 1:p] <- diag(p)
Sigma[(p + 1):(p + q), (p + 1):(p + q)] <- diag(p)
Sigma[1:p, (p + 1):(p + q)] <- u %*% t(v)
Sigma[(p + 1):(p + q), 1:p] <- t(Sigma[1:p, (p + 1):(p + q)])
noise <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, p + q), Sigma = 0.001 * diag(p + q))
Y <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, p + q), Sigma = Sigma) + noise
Y1 <- Y[, 1:p]
Y2 <- Y[, -(1:p)]
cv1 <- spatmca(x1, x2, Y1, Y2, num_cores = 2)

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(x1, cv1$Uestfn[, 1], type='l', main = "1st pattern for Y1")
plot(x1, cv1$Vestfn[, 1], type='l', main = "1st pattern for Y2")

## Avoid changing the global enviroment

# \donttest{
# The following examples will be executed more than 5 secs or including other libraries.
## 1D: artificial irregular locations
rmLoc1 <- sample(1:p, 3)
rmLoc2 <- sample(1:q, 4)
x1Rm <- x1[-rmLoc1]
x2Rm <- x2[-rmLoc2]
Y1Rm <- Y1[, -rmLoc1]
Y2Rm <- Y2[, -rmLoc2]
x1New <- as.matrix(seq(-7, 7, length = 100))
x2New <- as.matrix(seq(-7, 7, length = 50))
cv2 <- spatmca(x1 = x1Rm,
               x2 = x2Rm,
               Y1 = Y1Rm,
               Y2 = Y2Rm,
               x1New = x1New,
               x2New = x2New)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(x1New, cv2$Uestfn[,1], type='l', main = "1st pattern for Y1")
plot(x2New, cv2$Vestfn[,1], type='l', main = "1st pattern for Y2")


## 2D real data
##  Daily 8-hour ozone averages and maximum temperature obtained from 28 monitoring
##  sites of NewYork, USA. It is of interest to see the relationship between the ozone
##  and the temperature through the coupled patterns.

#> ## spTimer version: 3.3.2 
#> Attaching package: ‘pracma’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:spTimer’:
#>     Norm
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:SpatMCA’:
#>     detrend
#> Loading required package: spam
#> Spam version 2.10-0 (2023-10-23) is loaded.
#> Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction 
#> and overview of this package.
#> Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
#> suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.
#> Attaching package: ‘spam’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     backsolve, forwardsolve
#> Loading required package: viridisLite
#> Try help(fields) to get started.
NYsite <- unique(cbind(NYdata[, 1:3]))
date <- as.POSIXct(seq(as.Date("2006-07-01"), as.Date("2006-08-31"), by = 1))
cMAXTMP<- matrix(NYdata[,8], 62, 28)
oz <- matrix(NYdata[,7], 62, 28)
rmNa <- !colSums(
temp <- detrend(matrix(cMAXTMP[, rmNa], nrow = nrow(cMAXTMP)), "linear")
ozone <- detrend(matrix(oz[, rmNa], nrow = nrow(oz)), "linear")
x1 <- NYsite[rmNa, 2:3]
cv <- spatmca(x1, x1, temp, ozone)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
quilt.plot(x1, cv$Uestfn[, 1],
           xlab = "longitude",
           ylab = "latitude",
           main = "1st spatial pattern for temperature")
map(database = "state", regions = "new york", add = TRUE)
quilt.plot(x1, cv$Vestfn[, 1],
           xlab = "longitude",
           ylab = "latitude",
           main = "1st spatial pattern for ozone")
map(database = "state", regions = "new york", add = TRUE)


### Time series for the coupled patterns
tstemp <- temp %*% cv$Uestfn[,1]
tsozone <- ozone %*% cv$Vestfn[,1]
corr <- cor(tstemp, tsozone)
plot(date, tstemp / sd(tstemp), type='l', main = "Time series", ylab = "", xlab = "month")
lines(date, tsozone/sd(tsozone),col=2)
legend("bottomleft", c("Temperature (standardized)", "Ozone (standardized)"), col = 1:2, lty = 1:1)
mtext(paste("Pearson's correlation = ", round(corr, 3)), 3)

newP <- 50
xLon <- seq(-80, -72, length = newP)
xLat <- seq(41, 45, length = newP)
xxNew <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x = xLon, y = xLat))
cvNew <- spatmca(x1 = x1,
                 x2 = x1,
                 Y1 = temp,
                 Y2 = ozone,
                 K = cv$Khat,
                 tau1u = cv$stau1u,
                 tau1v = cv$stau1v,
                 tau2u = cv$stau2u,
                 tau2v = cv$stau2v,
                 x1New = xxNew,
                 x2New = xxNew)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
quilt.plot(xxNew, cvNew$Uestfn[, 1],
           nx = newP,
           ny = newP,
           xlab = "longitude",
           ylab = "latitude",
           main = "1st spatial pattern for temperature")
map(database = "county", regions = "new york", add = TRUE)
map.text("state", regions = "new york", cex = 2, add = TRUE)
quilt.plot(xxNew, cvNew$Vestfn[, 1],
           nx = newP,
           ny = newP,
           xlab = "longitude",
           ylab = "latitude",
           main = "2nd spatial pattern for ozone")
map(database = "county", regions = "new york", add = TRUE)
map.text("state", regions = "new york", cex = 2, add = TRUE)


## 3D: regular locations
n <- 200
x <- y <- z <- as.matrix(seq(-7, 7, length = 8))
d <- expand.grid(x, y, z)
u3D <- v3D <- exp(-d[, 1]^2 - d[, 2]^2 -d[, 3]^2)
p <- q <- 8^3
Sigma3D <- array(0, c(p + q, p + q))
Sigma3D[1:p, 1:p] <- diag(p)
Sigma3D[(p + 1):(p + q), (p + 1):(p + q)] <- diag(p)
Sigma3D[1:p, (p + 1):(p + q)] <- u3D %*% t(v3D)
Sigma3D[(p + 1):(p + q), 1:p] <- t(Sigma3D[1:p, (p + 1):(p + q)])

noise3D <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, p + q), Sigma = 0.001 * diag(p + q))
Y3D <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, p + q), Sigma = Sigma3D) + noise3D
Y13D <- Y3D[, 1:p]
Y23D <- Y3D[, -(1:p)]
cv3D <- spatmca(d, d, Y13D, Y23D)

#> Warning: no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available
cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'Blues'))(10)
isosurf3D(x, y, z,
          colvar = array(cv3D$Uestfn[, 1], c(8, 8, 8)),
          level = seq(min(cv3D$Uestfn[, 1]), max(cv3D$Uestfn[, 1]), length = 10),
          ticktype = "detailed",
          colkey = list(side = 1),
          col = cols,
          main = "1st estimated pattern for Y1")

isosurf3D(x, y, z,
          colvar = array(cv3D$Vestfn[, 1], c(8, 8, 8)),
          level = seq(min(cv3D$Vestfn[, 1]), max(cv3D$Vestfn[,1]), length = 10),
          ticktype = "detailed",
          colkey = list(side = 1),
          col = cols,
          main = "1st estimated pattern for Y2")

# }